Validation type 'Special' in Value sets in Oracle

Oracle Special Value Set

Special value set configuration and uses.

I have observed that many a times we need to restrict users to a limited, conditional value entries either in DFF or when submitting concurrent request. 

Normally we can use dependent value set, but when dynamic or some specific check is required, then special value set is better and only choice. 

Below I have described all the steps for configuring value set. Assign this value set to DFF or concurrent req. parameter as required.

1. Go to Application Developer --> Application --> Validation --> Set.
2. Create a new value set - Enter value set name, description, List type = List of values.
3. Select Validation Type = Special from left bottom of the screen.
4. Click on Edit information.
5. Select Event = Validate.
6. Now in function, you can write pl/sql code or call any function from database.
7. The logic of validation will be as per requirement.
8. The code syntax will be FND PLSQL " entire function "
9. To read the value which user has entered in DFF or as conc. request paremeter, use lc_in := :!value;
10. To raise error if the enter value is not correct, use fnd_message.raise_error;
11. Use Application message. Display appropiate message.
12. Raising error makes sure that user cannot continue with the invalid value and he will be forced to corret entry.
13. The character size is limited, but by calling database function, one can put complex validation.

-- Below is the code to validate that user can select a date which is 3 months before sysdate. This is a parementer in report in which user should be allowed to see data for 3 months or before, but he cannot see recent quater data.

FND PLSQL "declare

l_value varchar2( 20 ) := :!value ;
l_valid NUMBER := 0 ;
SELECT (sysdate - to_date(l_value,'dd-mon-yyyy')) 
INTO       l_valid
FROM    dual;
IF (l_valid <= 91) THEN 
fnd_message.set_name( 'FND', 'FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE' ) ;
fnd_message.set_token( 'MESSAGE', 'Date must be atleast 3 calendar months prior to current 
ate' );
fnd_message.raise_error ;

This content was taken from

Value Sets in Oracle Apps

For complete information See : Oracle Docs for Special Value sets


  1. What about comparign two user entered values?

    1. Hi Harry,

      I could not understand your requirement? Kindly elaborate.

  2. Hi,

    I want to incorporate multiple inputs in a Conc Program Parameter; for e.g. I have a parameter "Project". In this the user should be able to select multiple projects and then run the Program. Is this possible?

  3. Hi, is it possible to use this option to validate segment dependencies?

    Example: segment1: will have a list of value of the maximum loan amount an employee can apply for.
    segment2: the amount entered here should be lower or equal to the amount entered in segment1.

    OR is there another way I can achieve this?

    Dependent values sets will not work as the values to be entered in segment2 are not fixed.

  4. In the example above can I reference another value set? for instance if I wanted to make sure that "TO DATE" was always greater than the FROM_DATE.

